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The Secret To Success
How You Can Use The 8th Wonder Of The World
Did you know there are 8 wonders of the world?
The 8th wonder of the world is compound interest.
And before you start thinking, isn't compound interest just about money? You would be very wrong in thinking that.
Compound interest is much more than money.
Compound interest can apply to anything in life. This is because compound interest is consistency. If you are consistent in the gym you will gain muscle and strength over time. If you consistently make wise stock investments your money will grow over time. If you consistently work towards your purpose you will reach it.
What you fail to understand is that a little today is worth a lot tomorrow.

Think about inflation.
30 years ago you could buy a house, provide for a family, and still take 3 vacations a year from working an average job. Now an average job will get you a shabby roof and take-out 3 times a week.
I get a lot of compliments about my chest. People always ask me how I built it up and made it my most prominent body part.
The truth is I didn't do anything extraordinary. I did 100 push-ups everyday without fail. And a lot of people will say I had good genetics, but the truth is I put in the work. Overtime all those push-ups began to add up. It was money in the bank, and today I reap the rewards of having a huge chest. (insert chest comparison photo)
Compound Interest is Everywhere
It's in relationships and it's especially in what you think.
Take a moment, sit back and examine your mind. What are you thinking about? What is at the top of your mind? What is in front of your mind when you wake up and when you go to bed?
Chances are this is where the majority of your mental energy goes. Have you ever noticed that when someone goes through a breakup it hurts them a lot. This is due to emotional damage, because you made this person your focus when you were with them.
You ate food with them, had sex with them, went on dates, talked to them, and tended to their needs every single day. That's a lot of time, energy, and attention invested into one person so when they leave you have nothing.
All your hard work you put into that relationship meant nothing. That's why you have to choose what you do and think carefully.
That's why you can see childhood friends immediately hit it off again. You've invested so much time (compound interest) with them that there will always be a strong sense of friendship as long as you are on good terms.
So never go into any relationship lightly. Never think repeated thoughts lightly.
Nothing exists in a bubble. Every action and thought you have affects you. All your repeated actions and thoughts form your habits. And these determine the direction of your life.
Understand that compound interest is in everything. You are where you are because you invested in certain habits and ways of thinking that got you here.
You don't see the full effect of the actions you take.
The butterfly effect states that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tsunami across the world.
Reading 10 pages/day can give you the knowledge you need to achieve your goals and meet people who will help you. Small actions taken today might not immediately reward you, but down the line they can have a huge effect in your success.
Understanding the compound effect is mastering delayed gratification.
Every single action you take today has a consequence that will be felt tomorrow.
Once you realize this you take no moment for granted.
You must make sure every action is getting you closer and closer to the person you want to be.
Compound effect.
— SOULEY | Holistic Self-Improvement (@TheOneSouley)
3:00 PM • Mar 11, 2023
We live in a get-rich-quick society because of social media. We often see people achieving things in a short span of time. Most people think that these results happen quick, but the truth is there are no overnight successes.
Like Lionel Messi said, "It took me 17 years to become an overnight success."
When Sneako reached 1 million followers they didn't talk about him making YouTube videos for 10 years prior.
For every success you see, you don't see the countless hours put in. The failures and hardships endured. And everything that it really took for them to achieve their goals.
If you can delay gratification you will always win. If you keep going to the gym even when you don't see results overnight, after a few years you will be healthy and look jacked. If you want to become a good web designer, at first your websites will be bad, but overtime they will improve and you'll have clients pay you $1000s of dollars for a website.
The compound effect is all about staying consistent, persistent, and disciplined. Never lose sight of the ultimate goal from what it is you are doing.
Understand this
Every action you take today has an effect on where you will go and what you will do in life.
If you make the choice to skip the gym your body will show the results of that. You will look like a doughnut and feel like crap.
If you make the choice to play video games all day you will lack social skills, have no real skills, and spend all day inside.
But if you make the choice to go to the gym 4x/week (especially on days you don't feel like it) you WILL be healthy and jacked. If you decide to learn copywriting for 1hr/day you WILL become good at it and start earning money from it.
Every choice you make matters. Don't let anyone tell you different.
Issues arise because we can't see the long-term effects of the actions we take. We don't understand that eating a box of Oreos today will add inches to our waistline tomorrow. We don't understand that making consistent investments in our education will give us new skills we can use to make money in a few years.
The compound effect is all about getting out of this short-term mindset.
People don't understand how far a little bit of work, done consistently, can take them.
— SOULEY | Holistic Self-Improvement (@TheOneSouley)
1:20 PM • Apr 16, 2023
Social media has brainwashed you into thinking results happen overnight. I'm not saying they don't, but it is much more likely that anything worthwhile will take some time to achieve.
There's a reason it has value. Anything with value will take longer to succeed.
The Microwave vs. The Oven
It's the difference between the microwave vs. the oven.
You can get microwave food from any store or gas station and heat it up. It takes minimal effort and you'll get a minimal-effort result. The microwave will cook your food and make it possible so you can eat it, but it will taste subpar.
The food you put in the oven will take longer to prepare, and longer to cook but the result is worth it. When you finally get that filet mignon, with pasta and alfredo sauce out of the oven it will be way better it than if you had microwaved it.
Adopt an oven mentality. Understand that what you want will take time to achieve. It requires you putting in more work, time and effort to achieve your goal. But in the end it will be 100x more rewarding than if you had tried to take the easy way out and use a 'microwave' method.
You must understand that a little bit of a good habit is much better than a bad habit. The effect of practicing a good habit for a short time can erase the negative effects from years of practicing a bad habit.
If you take 3 months and meditate for 10 minutes/day you can rid yourself of the anxious and negative thoughts you've had for your entire life. A short time of discipline to reap the rewards for a lifetime. Seems like a fair trade to me.
This is because our cells regenerate every 90 days (AKA every 3 months). This means that 3 months of practicing good habits can do away with all the bad things you have done to your body over years.
We're gonna assume you are a young person reading this and you have 50 more years to live. 3 months of committing to good habits is 0.5% of the rest of your life.
You think you can practice good habits for 0.5% of your life, so you can reap the rewards for the rest of it? The choice is easy.
Where do I go from here?
Now that you understand the magic of compound interest you don't need to fear.
You may have made bad investments already into:
The wrong person
Negative thinking
Bad habits
But you can always make a change. Your future is in your hands. You can make the choice today to change your way of thinking and start thinking positive. You can cut off the negative people and surround yourself with a better circle. You can stop smoking weed, and doom-scrolling on social media and replace that with learning and working out.
It is never too late.
But time keeps going.
You have to make the choice today. Determine what it is that you want. What it is that you desire. Find out what you need to do to get there. And take action.
Stop investing your energy into people and habits that do not serve you. Invest into your goals and yourself. Once you invest in yourself, practice good habits, find a good circle, and fix your mindset you will achieve all the success you have ever dreamed of.