What Is The PERFECT Diet?

Everyone who works out wants the best of both worlds. They want to party and go to restaurants, drink alcohol, and get away with little sleep. All while still waking up with bulging muscles and a shredded 6-pack. Newsflash buddy... Not gonna happen.

What Is The Perfect Diet

Everyone who works out wants the best of both worlds.

They want to party and go to restaurants, drink alcohol, and get away with little sleep.

All while still waking up with bulging muscles and a shredded 6-pack.

Newsflash buddy... Not gonna happen.

If you want to achieve anything in life, you must make sacrifices.

If you want to get rich, you must sacrifice late nights out and wake up early.

If you want to be a pro athlete you must sacrifice time with family and focus on your craft.

And if you want to have an aesthetic & athletic body, you must eat a good diet, and for this you must sacrifice.

But, what would life be without solutions?

That's what moves us forward.

Ensures that we never fall behind and keep moving forward.

There is a way to achieve the best of both worlds.

This is where the perfect diet comes in.

One where you can eat whatever you want.

While avoiding all the negative health effects.

And still looking like a sexy motherfucker.

All so you can enjoy your life AND time with your friends.

The Perfect Diet

The perfect diet is simple.

It involves high protein, lots of water, fruits & veggies, and staying away from junk food such as:

  • Alcohol

  • Seed oils

  • Fast food

  • Junk food

  • Processed food

Not rocket science.

But a lot of life's best moments happen when you take part in these activities.

When you eat some chips and popcorn at the movies with that special someone.

When you enjoy an expensive fancy dinner with your family.

When you go out and get shitfaced with your boys and wake up to get breakfast burritos the next day.

Not only are those moments fun as fuck, but the food and drinks you have taste AMAZING.

I would be a liar if I said that this food doesn't taste great.

It does.

I'm well aware of this.

The issue is what this food does to your body.

When you drink alcohol, you sleep less and eat worse food.

When you eat chips & popcorn your body gets inflamed from the seed oils in that food.

When you enjoy a dinner with someone, you overeat on food that is not cooked in a holy way.

Doing this will:

  • Make you fat

  • Age you faster

  • Cause mental unrest

  • Increase inflammation

  • Lead to disease down the line

Does this sound like it's worth it to take part in these activities?

It's worth it to me.

Even though these activities are bad for your health.

They also make life worth living.

These activities introduce us to new people.

And give us some of the best memories of our lives.

So What Can I Do?

There is a SIMPLE solution, if there wasn't why would I write this letter?And the solution involves 3 things:

  1. Eating high protein

  2. Frequent training

  3. Meal timing

1. Eat high protein

It's no secret by now.

Protein is the biggest factor in muscle growth.

If you don't get enough protein, or it's too low quality you won't make gains.

Aim for 0.8-1 gram of protein/lb of bw.

So if you weigh 200lbs get between 160-200g of protein/day.

Be sure to eat from whole & clean sources:

  • Eggs

  • Beef

  • Tuna

  • Turkey

  • Salmon

  • Chicken

  • Sardines

These proteins have the most nutrients & taste GREAT.

Remember, if you don't get enough protein, your gains DIE.

2. Frequent training

If you want anything in life you must be consistent.

If you want to be a famous actor you must go to acting classes, go to auditions, and perfect your craft daily.

If you want to be a pro athlete you must get your sleep and practice your sport everyday.

If you want to be aesthetic and athletic you MUST train consistently.

Training is your biggest hedge against losing muscle.

As long as you:

  • Sprint

  • Stretch

  • Lift weights

  • Take long walks

Your body will hold on to muscle because you NEED it to keep working out.

When your body has muscle, it takes a lot of energy to maintain this muscle.

This means your metabolism will be higher.

Pair this with eating high protein (which raises your metabolism) and now you are a fat burning machine.

3. Meal timing

Last but not least is the time that you eat your meals.

Do you wake up and immediately eat breakfast?

Or do you wait until the late morning or noon to eat breakfast?

This is critical if you want to ensure your muscle gains.

Timing your meals is also known as Intermittent Fasting.

When you fast you get so many benefits it's a cheat-code:

  • Increased BDNF (makes you smarter)

  • Increased HGH (makes you younger)

  • Lowers insulin (harder to get fat)

  • Detoxifies your body

  • Shreds your fat

By fasting you are giving your body protection from bad food.

If you know you have a dinner later tonight, you can eat a small and late breakfast.

This way your body will be able to manage the food that you consume.


  1. Eat High Protein

  2. Frequent Training

  3. Meal Timing 

Doing these 3 things will raise your metabolism and maximize muscle growth.

This will allow your body to deal with anything you take in.

Whether it be alcohol, fast food, or processed food you will be able to take it on and stop the damage.

Of course you could eat healthy all the time and let go of these unhealthy foods.

But for most people this is unrealistic.

So ask yourself.

What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve your goals.

If being aesthetic, athletic, healthy, and capable isn't a big priority then ignore this.

But for those of us that know the value in our bodies, and taking pride.

This will be a small price to pay for salvation (shout out Thanos).

Shameless Plugs

If you need help reaching your fitness goals I am taking on 3 Clients that want to

  • Shred 20+ lbs of fat

  • Build 10+ lbs of muscle

  • Gain athletic ability & confidence

    All in the next 90 days. If this interests you CLICK BELOW to see if we are a match.

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Stay blessed and stay based
