The Hidden SuperPower Inside of You

You Know This Thing Is All Energy... Right? RIGHT?!

You Know It's All Energy, Right?


You are aware that everything you see is energy.

At least I would hope so, if not I'd imagine your science teachers are screaming right now.

Everything is energy.

Solids are condensed energy that doesn't move much

Liquids are loose energy that tends to flow around.

Gas is a very loose energy that jumps everywhere.

And plasma is like the energy blasts you see in Dragon Ball Z.

Now think about it for a second.

Have you ever had days where your energy is on point?

It doesn't matter what you do or say, it's working.

It's like you have the Liquid Luck potion from Harry Potter.

You talk and people laugh or respond the way you want.

You play a game of basketball and score all the points.

You might be what they call, "in the zone."

A lot of the time, this has little to do with skill in these areas, but rather everything to do with your energy.

When you talk are you looking people in the eye, speaking loud, taking up space, and using hand gestures.

Or are you fidgeting, looking away, speaking softly, with closed body language.

It all matters.

Often, all you have to do to change your energy is change your body...

Because your body is the vehicle through which energy gets channeled through you.

And shown to the world.

But we'll get into that later.

Why Care About Your Energy?

You should care about your energy, because like I said earlier often times your energy is all you need.

There can be people more qualified for a job than you, but if the employer likes the energy you bring they'll hire you.

There can be football players more talented than you, but if coach loves the juice and energy you have, you will play.

You can be fugly as he**, but if your energy is right for the girl, she'll go home with you.

Quick Story

Let me share a quick story about a friend of mine.

He's the current student-body president at my University.

He's not the smartest, most attractive, or most athletic person in the world.

And he'll tell you that himself.

But what he does have is something EXTREMELY rare.

He has TOP-TIER energy.

Everyone that comes into contact with him loves and adores him.

He's hilarious, good-hearted, and also very wise.

When he speaks you become captivated because you never know what's gonna come out from his mouth next.

From Josh Peck, to random people he sees on the streets, everyone adores him.

I can 100% guarantee that if he applied for a job, he could go in with ZERO qualifications, but he would get the job off his energy alone.

I admire his energy so much, that I started to incorporate aspects from him, into myself.

But don't worry, I'll be giving you the sauce shortly.

And if you want to check out his page, click here:


#motivation #inspiration #life #CapCut

How has it gone for me?

Since focusing on my energy, my life has changed in a very short amount of time.

May 13, I weighed 205 lbs, felt gross, had close to 0 in my bank account, and was wondering if I would be a bum my entire life.

Fast forward to July 5, as I write this I:

  • Got a new job.

  • Weigh 195 lbs.

  • Have made over $3000.

  • Creating an album with my bro.

  • Feel happy and blessed to be alive.

And let me tell you, these results are much easier to achieve than you might think.

Let's dive into them.

The RunDown

1. AVOID Negative People

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

You've heard this before, but have you put it to the test?

Take a deep look at the people in your life, and you'll see their aspects and habits in you.

A month and a half ago I wasn't around people that were helping me get towards my goals.

I was in college, away from family, around people who go out a lot, doing things I didn't want to do (school), and I was consuming way too much social media.

Since coming home I have optimized my environment (not a bio-hacker though).

I limit access to myself from those who only want to drink alcohol & smoke weed.

I'm around people I love which allows me to laugh and remember who's important to me.

And I have WAY more time to focus on myself.

This means more time in the gym, more time meditating, more time planning, and more time working on my future.

Often times all you need is a change of scenery.

2. Strength Training

I started strength training again.

3-4 days/week in the gym focusing on getting strong.

Working out shreds my fat, builds my muscle, and gives me a strong & capable body that I am confident in.

When you walk around knowing you are strong inside, it exudes on the outside.

You remain calm around others because you trust yourself enough to protect yourself.

Don't doubt the primal tendencies of humans.

We only recently started using computers & working 9-5s in the last 100 years.

For the previous 100,000 years we were hunting, gathering, and letting our balls catch some sunlight.

During this time you had to be strong, you had to be fast, and if you weren't... YOU DIE.

But seriously, get in the gym.

Start training for strength.

I have a free workout guide if you need help starting:

3. Sleep

Sleep is essential.

I don't need to expand on this too much.

If you don't sleep, you won't have energy.

You'll lack self-control.

It will be harder to control your urges whether they be with sex, food, or when it comes to holding your tongue.

Aim to get 7-9 hrs of sleep.

AND aim to have a consistent sleep schedule.

This will get your body in a rhythm, and know when it's time to wind down or when it's time to rev up.

When you sleep, you feel better, you look better, and you have more energy to pour into each moment of the day.

4. Food

Next of course is food.

  • Drink 1 gallon of water a day.

  • Eat non-processed food.

  • Cook your own food.

  • Fast 1x/month.

  • Practice Intermittent Fasting.

  • Avoid seed oils, fast food, junk food, and sugar shit.

  • If it has more than 1 ingredient it is shit for you.

  • If it has ingredients that you can't pronounce it's shit for you.

  • If it's not JUST an apple, or it's not JUST a chicken it is not good for you at all.

If you need more help with this check out my Twitter:

Most of the food you eat is poison and it affects how you feel and think.

If you eat shit, you'll feel and perform like shit.

If you eat healthy your thoughts and movements will be strong and full of vitality.

Eat healthy & raise your vibration.

5. Meditate

Meditation charges your aura.

You are breathing in the most vital thing we need to live.

Air, oxygen, breathe.

Think about it, your breathe is ALWAYS with you.

If you're not breathing you are dead.

So if you breathe with intention you are charging your life aura.

If you don't have time to meditate in the morning or at night, make an intention to breathe throughout the day.

10 breathes will do.

Breathe deeply and with intention and you will reap the rewards.

Which include:

Becoming calm


Having a heightened aura

Making others around comfortable.

6. Media Consumption

STOP consuming shit media.

Stop watching the news.

Stop watching shit YouTubers.

Stop watching FunnyHoodVideoz.

Consume good media.

Consume media that will serve you.

Media that will move you closer towards your goal and teach you important things related to your topics of interest.

The media you consume is important and affects your thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

If you can curate your feed and make it so that you only consume content that serves you.

You will be doing yourself the ultimate service.


Your energy is everything.

Energy can't be destroyed.

Energy can only be transferred.

When you interact with others and leave your mark on them.

Make sure you leave them with your good energy.

Make sure you leave them better than they were before they saw you.

That is how you get ahead and win in life.

When you are able to make people feel something, especially something good, they will never forget YOU.

They will remember you, speak highly of you, and you will benefit.

Not only this but have good energy for yourself.

Support yourself and be your own best friend.

After all you spend the most time with you...

Might as well make it a positive experience.

Shameless Plugs

For more content like this check out my other Newsletters.

Also check out my YouTube where I post unique content 2x/week on building your physique, life, and philosophy.

If you want to see my everyday life and me having fun check out my Instagram.

If you need help reaching your fitness goals I am taking on 3 Clients that want to

  • Shred 20+ lbs of fat

  • Build 10+ lbs of muscle

  • Gain athletic ability & confidence

    All in the next 90 days. If this interests you CLICK BELOW to see if we are a match.

If you want short-form content like this, check out my Twitter.

Thank YOU and Stay Blessed.
