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- The Hidden Secret To Building Muscle
The Hidden Secret To Building Muscle
Building muscle is so simple, it's actually scary.
The Hidden Secret To Building Muscle
There is a hidden way to build muscle & it goes against contrary belief, and it's not what you think.
3x10 for every exercise!
You gotta go until failure!
Train for strength to gain muscle!
2-3x/week is ideal if you want to grow!
Damn. I'm getting sick and tired of hearing all these different "optimal" ways to put on muscle.
Wanna know the truth?
They all work...
You ever heard the saying, "There's 1,000 different ways to skin a cat."
That is a true statement.
You can become a millionaire by going to the NBA, creating some tech start-up, making an OnlyFans, investing in stocks, or writing a Newsletter (wink wink).

Back To The Topic
Ok so all those methods work.
But we are trying to put on muscle, and we are trying to do it as fast as possible.
3x10, going till failure, training for strength, all these different methods work.
The issue is how long it takes.
We gain muscle at a rate of about 1lb/month assuming you recover and eat properly.
That's fine, but not quick enough for me.
It's 2023 after all, if I can't get it fast and easy I don't want it.
I want to get greatest results while putting in the least amount of work and time in possible.
Ya catch my drift?
So How Do We Do This
When I was a whee young lad, about 13 to be exact, I was skinny.
I thought I would always be skinny and I thought I couldn't put on muscle...
Boy was I wrong. I'm literally trying to lose weight right now because I got too big... be careful what you wish for I guess.
Anyways I was 13 and my dad was in the military. We were training and he wanted me to get stronger.
So he gave me a task.
Everyday I had to do 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups.
And NO it was not child abuse.
I actually enjoyed it. I had my Drake & Kanye playing and I was watching anime while getting fit.

So I did this everyday for a solid 6 months... and I saw no change.
Yes I was stronger, and could do push-ups for days, but I wasn't that big.
But I had invested.
Fast forward a couple years and I started lifting weights, and guess what my favorite exercise was.
Any chest press movement was my shit.
Bench press, incline bench, chest flies, DB bench, DB incline press, I loved it all.
And my chest was HUGE.
I wasn't doing anything special.
I was doing 3x5 or 3x10 on each chest exercise, but it was exploding.
The rest of my body was alright, but my chest was ALWAYS looking huge.
Me at 15
I was only hitting it 1-2x/week & I wasn’t even that strong.
And this was for a simple reason.
The 8th Wonder Of The World
I had invested in my chest.
Doing hundreds of push-ups everyday for almost a year didn't garner much results.
But that's how investing works.
You invest $100, $500, $1000s of dollars every month early on in your 20's. Then if you were to stop investing when you hit 30 years old you'll end up with MILLIONS of $$$.
Let's say you kept investing. You could end up with $10 million+ by the time you want to take out your investments.
Now let's apply that to a muscle group.
If you hit a muscle group everyday it's not gonna magically explode and become huge in a matter of 2-3 months.
It could happen... but it's unlikely and you shouldn't expect it.
Instead what we'll do is develop satellite cells.
If you consistently hit and break down a muscle, it will develop satellite cells.
These cells are responsible for muscle regeneration after you break it down.
You know that if you hit a muscle everyday it won't recover properly.
This is true.
It won't grow bigger, but it will get stronger as your body adapts.
And you'll grow satellite cells.
Then once you go back to hitting it 2-3x/week you have all these muscular satellite cells.
They serve as MORE muscle cells that are able to regenerate quickly & easily.
Just look at me today.

I hit chest 2x/week for 3-5 sets/session & it’s still the biggest muscle on my body.
What Is The Protocol?
Nucleus Overload: The trick used for hundreds of years to grow a muscle.
If you hit a muscle everyday it won’t grow.
This is true.
But it’s not totally useless.
(Mini 🧵)
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
9:53 PM • Jun 27, 2023
1. Pick One Muscle Group
To do Nucleus Overload, the approach is simple.
Pick one muscle group, ONLY ONE and focus on that.
Remember you can go much farther and deeper focusing on one thing at a time than if you split your attention & resources. (If ya catch my drift hehe).
So pick one muscle group (I'm currently doing my biceps to look sexy) and for the next step.
2. Hit That Muscle Every Day
Without fail.
You might not see results immediately and that's ok.
What's important is to stress the muscle everyday.
It doesn't have to be a lot, 3x10, getting a pump will do the trick.
But aim to work the muscle DAILY.
If you miss a day don't be a pansy and quit, hop back on that course and keep going.
3. Take A Week Long Break After Each Month
Take a week long break after each month.
You want to give the muscle you are hitting time to adapt and grow so that this process works.
During this week don't touch the muscle group at all.
It's been working everyday so you want to give it time to rest and recuperate.
4. Repeat As Needed
Once your week long break is over, repeat the process as you see fit.
I recommend only doing this for 2 months, because anything more and your muscle will get too big... I'm serious.
After your Nucleus Overload cycle is over go back to hitting them 2-3x/week and watch them EXPLODE.
Also, don't expect them to grow huge while hitting them everyday.
Muscle takes time to grow, and checking it everyday is like watching grass grow... you'll be there for a while.
Keep It Simple
All Nucleus Overload is, is investing.
You hit the muscle daily (invest), and you might not see any growth at first (this is typical).

But later on as interest begins to compound you see exponential growth (muscle explosion).
I've done this for my chest, traps, calves, and shoulders.
And it's worked.
Here's The Jif
This Newsletter talks about growing muscles, but you can apply this principle to any area of life.
For most things in life the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
Whatever you work at consistently, with real intent, will produce results of some sort. (Even if it takes a while).
It's the same with muscle and with finance.
If you CONSISTENTLY invest you will be rich in the future.
If you CONSISTENTLY work a muscle it will grow.
And the more you CONSISTENTLY work at it, the less work you have to put in to see results.
So don’t just focus on building muscle.
Focus on getting good at what you desire.
And if you consistently work at it, it will come to reality.
The power of consistency/compound effect goes well beyond simple investing and money making tricks.
When you learn to consistently invest your time into something you will reap the rewards you dream of.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
8:20 PM • May 8, 2023
Things are only hard in the beginning.
This is the Law of The Universe.
When you move an object you have to apply the most force at the beginning because the object was not moving...
But once it gets moving it's like a snowball down a hill and you don't have to apply as much force.
"An Object in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion"
Shameless Plugs
For more content like this check out my other Newsletters.
Also check out my YouTube where I post unique content 2x/week on building your physique, life, and philosophy.
If you need help reaching your fitness goals I am taking on 3 Clients that want to
Shred 20+ lbs of fat
Build 10+ lbs of muscle
Gain athletic ability & confidence
All in the next 90 days. If this interests you CLICK BELOW to see if we are a match.
If you want short-form content like this, check out my Twitter
Pro-tip to getting the sleeper build.
(mini 🧵)
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
3:01 PM • Jun 1, 2023
And if you want to see me playing football and messing around check out my Instagram
Also before I forget, all credit for the Nucleus Overload method goes to Migan from Team3DAlpha on YouTube. Check him out!
Thanks and Stay Blessed.