The Only Fat Loss Guide You Need

You are fat. And it's not ok. It's actually unacceptable. But even though you're fat. You still have hope.

The Last Fat Loss Guide You’ll Ever Read

And you can escape your fat reality in as little as 3 months if you read this.

See I used to be like you. I would eat whenever I wanted. Some more fluff on my love handles didn't bother me. Chips, candies, cookies (AKA the 3 Deadly C's), hand them over.

I had no care in the world for what I was eating and what it did to my body. As long as it tasted good it was coming through my pie hole.

And that's where the problem comes in. I was unaware. I had no clue about the danger that came every time I ate a Deadly C.

I was not only adding lbs to the scale, but I was also making myself dumb, unattractive, and less successful.

But luckily, by the grace of G-D I looked in the mirror at 18, didn't like who was staring back at me, and I decided to make a change.


With this newsletter, and all the future ones I write, I'm not pulling punches. I'm not gonna hold back and tell you what you want to hear.

I'm gonna tell you what I wish I had heard when I was younger, so I could have been where I am currently at or even farther ahead, earlier in my life.

So now you are aware of the problem.

You're fat. You don't like what you see in the mirror. You lack confidence. Your health is most likely declining. People don't like when they look at you. And to top it off you don't have much money.

But you still have hope.

You found this letter after-all.

And lucky for you this letter has a framework to help you lose fat, and it has the reasons WHY you need to lose fat.

Because you can look at a problem, know it's a problem, and want to fix the problem...

But until you understand the problem, you will never fix the problem...

Ya catch my drift?

So first off what exactly does it mean to be fat?

For everyone being fat is going to differ. What I think is fat might appear skinny to you. And what I think is skinny might appear fat to you.

Because of this we will define being fat right here and right now.

Being fat is: having so much excess weight that it NEGATIVELY affects your life (health, confidence, wealth, athletics, etc.)

If your extra weight NEGATIVELY affects your life in some way then you are fat.

If you are an athlete that need to be fast, but excess weight slows you down... YOU ARE FAT.

If you breathe heavily and feel like you're gonna die after walking up the stairs... YOU ARE FAT.

And if you look in the mirror and don't like the rolls you see on your body... YOU ARE DEFINITELY FAT.

Ok, we got that out the way, we get it, let's move on.

Why do we get fat?

Isn't this the ultimate question.

I'm gonna keep it simple though like I always do.

You are fat because you consume more calories than you burn.

I'll say it again, you consume more calories than you burn.

You can say you're fat because big-boned, or it runs in your family, but the truth is no one runs in your family.

The only thing that runs in your family is consuming more calories than you burn.

The truth is hard to handle, that's why most people live in ignorance.

In fact if you want to keep living in your reality bubble, stop reading. Close this newsletter and never read another one of my letters again. Cause I will keep telling the truth even when people don't want to hear it.

Ok we got that out the way, moving on.

Why should we lose fat?


I could go on this topic for DAYS.

But I'm not here to waste your time, or my time writing all that.

So here's the main reasons I can think of.

1. You Look Better

When you lose fat, your body leans out including your face.

You'll get the jawline you always wanted since you were a kid. You'll have a neck you can see, you'll have abs or a flat stomach, and you'll have muscles with definition.

Your skin will be clearer.

Your clothes will fit you better since they tailor to your muscles. Your hair will be healthier since there aren't fat cells clogging everything up.

But don't take my word for it, look at the media.

How many fat people do you see in Hollywood? Close to zero.

How many fat people do you see in sports? Close to zero.

How many SUCCESSFUL fat people do you see on YouTube? Close to zero.

The media portrays what they know we LOVE to see. And the truth is we LOVE to see lean people, who's features show, since they lack bodyweight.


2. You Feel Better

From a biological standpoint when you're fat it takes a lot of energy to run your body.

It's harder to move (more energy), you need to eat more (more energy), and it becomes harder to think.

When you cut the fat now your body can focus on the essentials.

It can focus on thinking clearly, moving efficiently, and using the nutrients from the food you eat, instead of storing it as fat.

This means you have more energy. More energy to show up for your best self. More energy to be there for your family. And more energy all around that will rub off on those around you.

Not only that but you feel better when you look in the mirror. This becomes a healthy cycle where you see someone you love, so you act in a more loving way.

You also gain confidence because you can finally be proud of the person staring back at you.

3. Other People Like You More

It's no secret. People are attracted (whether it be sexually or subtly) to attractive people.

And a common thing among attractive people is that they have low body fat.

Think about it.

You get placed in a room full of people you don't know and have never met.

Do you want to hang out in a room full of people that look like models?

Or a room full of people that look like they have had 1 too many burgers in their past?

You know the answer.

And there's nothing wrong with it. It doesn't make you a bad person to want to be around attractive people, it's human nature.

And human nature will always win.

The truth is that when you are lean, you look more attractive, and this makes others like you.

Which can help your wealth explode.

4. You'll Have More Money

So the obvious reason why you'll have more money is because you won't spend as much on food. (Had to get this one out the way).

But you'll have more money because it's easier to get jobs.

Humans like what they like. A lean body, a chiseled jawline, and some muscles are often enough to get you that job you want.

Imagine two people are applying to be computer programmers. They went to the same college, got the same degree, had the same GPA, have the exact same hobbies, and they even have the same personality.

The only difference is that one is fat as f*** and the other is lean with an attractive face.

Who will get the job?

Again, you know the answer.

So if you can't lose fat for yourself, at least lose it for your finances.

5. You Owe It To The World

Last reason is you owe it to the world.

You owe it to the world to leave it better than when you arrived.

If that's not your goal you need to look in the mirror.

But in all actuality you owe it to the world to be strong, capable, and as attractive as you can be.

That's the only way you reach your full potential.

And if you can't do it for the world, do it for your family.

Make sure they never have to worry about your health problems, and avoid putting that stress on them.

Make sure they are proud whenever they show a picture of you to friends.

Cause if you can't do it for yourself you need to find someone to do it for.

How do we lose this weight?

This is the fun part.

Because it's so easy to write about, since I have already done it before (many times).

Fat Su

Shredded Su

1. Be In A Calorie Deficit

It's science

If you consume less calories, and burn more calories, you will LOSE weight.

If Calories consumed + Calories burned = negative number...

That means you lost weight.

So cut back.

Measure your food intake for a week, and then drop calories by 300-500 calories.

If the scale isn't going down after a week, lower your calories even more until you are in a deficit.

With this method alone we can lose weight, but fat loss is not that simple... Moving on.

2. Eat Healthy, Nutritious Foods

Eat healthy. It's what your doctor tells you. But, most doctors are bribed by unhealthy food & pharmaceutical companies. So they don't actually have your best interests at heart.

First Rule: If you want the magic formula focus on PROTEIN.

Protein is king.

Get 1 lb of protein per 1 lb of bodyweight.

So if you weigh 150lbs you get 150 grams of protein.



If you take nothing away from this newsletter other than this rule, I've done my job.

Seed oils cause inflammation which cause weight gain, acne, mental issues, and countless problems.

If a food has vegetable, sunflower, canola, rice bran or some other sort of seed oil, do yourself a favor and don't eat it.

Final rule: If it's more than 1 ingredient DON'T EAT IT.

If it has more than 1 ingredient it's most likely processed. If it comes in a sealed bag, it's processed. And if you can't find it in nature, it's definitely processed.

To stay safe eat nutritious, single-ingredient food, that come from this beautiful green earth we live on.

These foods are full of the nutrients and vitamins you need. And these nutrients restructure your body into the lean-mean-fighting machine it's supposed to be.

I could give you a list filled with hundreds of food I recommend you eat that are all healthy. But the best diet is the one you can stick to.

So find foods you like that are a single ingredient.

Whether that be potatoes, apples, or chicken. And eat those foods. All day. Everyday. Until you lose fat to the point where you are no longer considered fat.


3. Sleep AT LEAST 7 hours

This is simple.

Sleep at least 7+ hours.

You burn a lot of fat when you sleep since you are in a fasted state, and it helps with your self-control for the next day.

If you get enough sleep it's easier to control cravings when they hit.

To get deep sleep:

  • Get sunlight

  • Read a book before bed

  • Write your plan for the next day

  • Turn off electronics 2 hrs before bed

And there you go. Sleep good, control your appetite, and lose fat.

4. Weight Train / Exercise

I didn't put this one earlier for a reason.

Because you can't out-train a bad diet.

But you can out-diet bad training.

But you still need to be doing a physical activity of some sort.

Weight lifting is what you should do since it will build muscle, and speed up the fat-burning process (we'll talk about that in future letters).

But some people feel self-conscious going to a gym and to that I say, get over it.

If that's you then start running outside. Run 10 50m sprints 2-3x/week, jump rope everyday, or do some sort of HIIT circuit.

Make sure it's high-intensity, as that is what is most effective at burning fat.

And keep the focus on calories, because you can't out train a bad diet.

Can't believe I had to tell you to exercise if you want to lose fat as if that isn't obvious... disappointing.

5. Fasting

This is more of a BONUS hack, but if you learn to use it, it will make your fat loss journey go by 10x faster.

So when I say fasting I am talking about Intermittent Fasting.

This is when you eat in a condensed eating window.

Doing this speeds up metabolism, increases HGH (youth hormone), and makes it easy to lose weight.

So instead of eating from when you wake up till when you go to bed, you eat in a 4-8 hr window.

For the person reading this I recommend a window of 10am to 6pm, but do whatever works best for you.

During this window you should only eat 2-3 meals, and it will be hard for the 1st 1-3 days, but then your body will get used to it.

So have some discipline, stay determined, and persist for once in your life.

Also, you can do water fasts where you only drink water for 1-3 days.

I only recommend doing those types of fasts 1x/month.

And once you finish them don't gorge out on food.

Eat the regular amount you would as if you were in your calorie deficit and you'll lose even more weight.


You need to lose fat because:

  1. You Look Better

  2. You Feel Better

  3. Other People Like You More

  4. You'll Have More Money

  5. You Owe It To The World

And you can do it by:

  1. Eating Less Calories Than You Consume

  2. Eating Healthy, Nutritious Foods

  3. Sleeping AT LEAST 7 hours

  4. Weight Train/ Exercise

  5. Fasting

In all seriousness you need to lose fat because it's the healthy thing to do.

Our bodies weren't meant to carry useless weight. It's one thing to have a slight muffin top, but being 100+ lbs overweight is unacceptable.

It's disrespectful to yourself and those around you, especially your family.

No one wants to see a fat ass and no one wants their loved one to be in danger, due to something as simple as their weight.

If you're fat it's because you lack the self-control to stop eating, even when your body tells you it's full.

Take this fat loss journey as an opportunity to not only look and feel like your best self, but to improve your life through discipline and loving yourself.

Losing fat does more than change the person you see in the mirror.

It changes who you are altogether.

Lose the weight, and witness a new person appear.

Stay Blessed,
