7 Reasons Why I Eat 1 Meal/Day

Eating 1 meal/day isn't gonna kill you.

7 Reasons Why I Eat 1 Meal/Day

Don't get worried.

Don't freak out.

Look past your conditioning for a moment.

Eating 1 meal/day isn't gonna kill you.

I've been doing it for a couple months now and I've never felt, looked, or performed better.


Before I go off and tell you about how I'm a superhuman all from eating 1 meal/day let's get the basics out the way.

This is what I do.

What works for me may not work for you.

Everyone is different.

Results may vary.

Now let's jump in.

Why do this?

Why go through all the "trouble" of eating 1 meal/day.

To that I'll respond with why go through the trouble of eating 3 meals/day.

And you'll say something like, "because it's easier and it's normal."

And I'll say, "Because it's easier and it's normal."

Are you picking up on the pattern?

I do this because for me it's normal at this point and I've conditioned my body to like and thrive off this method.

It's simple.

I was going along my day back in 2021 and I stumbled across the YouTube channel "What I've Learned" or "WIL".

Check him out here on Twitter @JEverettLearned:

Most of his videos centered around fasting and other "pseudo-science" topics.

I became obsessed with his series on fasting and have implemented all the tips.

To not draw this out and sound like a fanatic though, here's 7 things that fasting will do for you:

1. Increase BDNF (Brain-derived neurotropic factor)

This will make you create new neural connections, meaning new/MORE brain cells.

This means you can make new connections in real life, notice more patterns, and... BECOME SMARTER.

2. Increase in HGH (Human Growth Hormone)

This is a mini-steroid cycle for your body and pumps you full of growth hormone.

It has it in the name it makes you GROW.

Meaning you can grow in height, strength, and of course muscle size... who doesn't want that?

3. Lowers Insulin

I'm not a scientist…

I don't know EXACTLY how insulin works, all you need to know is that the higher your insulin the more fat you store and vice versa.

Fasting lowers insulin, meaning it's harder to store fat, and you look like an aesthetic DemiG-D.

4. Practice Discipline/Self-Control

Eating 1 meal/day is the perfect way to practice discipline and self-control.

It would be easier for me if I ate whenever I wanted.

If I didn't workout, and shoved chips in my face all day.

I COULD do that, but I don't want to.

I COULD eat 3 meals/day, but I don't want to.

Eating 1 meal/day gives me a host of benefits and allows me to resist temptation all day.

Resist the urge to eat when I see others eating, or when I see a fast food sign, or when I get hungry.

It's hard, and that's why it's worth it.

5. More Time

Eating takes time.

It takes time to figure out what you want to eat, prep the food, cook the food, eat it, and then clean it up.

If you do this 3x/day you can be spending TWO whole hours doing this.

Not to mention the time it takes to recover from eating (digestion, carb crashes, etc.)

I save all that food prep, eating, clean up, and digestion time for 1 time during my day.

And it's after I've already gotten ALL my work done.

Meaning I'm an efficiency machine and I don't let something as trivial as food slow me down.

6. More Appreciation For Food

When you eat 1x/day you REALLY appreciate food.

You realize how important it is, and how the quality of food you eat matters.

If I get 1 meal/day I don't want to feed my body shitty McDonalds and have to sit with that for an entire 23 hours.

I want to give myself fruits, veggies, proteins and fats that will nourish and feed my body and keep me going for a DAY.

7. Saves you from toxic food environment

If you've done even a tiny bit of research you know that food in America... leaves a lot to desire.

Ok I'll come out and say it, it FUCKING sucks.

On every corner there's shitty fast food, made with seed oils and shit ingredients.

The stores fill the shelves with foods high in seed oils and carbs.

And everyone is ADDICTED to this food.

If you eat 1 meal/day, it doesn't matter even if it's shit food.

At least you know your body has enough time to digest it and somehow make use of it.

Quick History Lesson

Before your brainwashed brain tells you "B-b-but we're supposed to eat 3 meals/day" do some research.

3 meals/day became an American standard for this main reason... to appear civilized.

When the pilgrims came to America they saw how the Native Americans ate:

They ate when they got hungry.

And wow, it makes a lot of sense.

You feel hunger in your stomach, so you go eat.

Pretty simple.

But the pilgrims saw this and said, "Oh my lord, they are so uncivilized, let's bring them some manners and show them how to live."

And they did that by introducing 3 meals/day, since it was "proper."

In reality all it did was give America a 40% obesity rate, and enough diabetes to run a sugar mill.

Long Story Short: You eat 3 meals/day because it's what society told you to do.

You grew up eating 3 meals/day and people told you it was normal, and you never thought to question it.

I'm not saying you should question everything.

A lot of things set up today are EXTREMELY helpful and useful.

Eating 3 meals is not one of them.

And if it's so bad for us, why have we been doing it since ancient times?

Think about it, if you're a hunter-gatherer and you NEED 3 meals/day you're done for.

There wasn't some grocery store where you could pick up a slab of meat and some potatoes to cook for dinner.

People out here had to hunt and gather and put in work to get their food.

They would make a big catch and live off that for a couple of days.

If you needed THREE whole meals/day to survive they would have starved to death.

Why should you consider this?

Well if you're like me, and want to avoid the shitty food environment I recommend this approach.

You get all the benefits of fasting, become disciplined, save time, save money and you get to FEAST daily.

It's gonna be hard at first.

Your body has had 15-20+ years of getting 3 meals/day.

But if you can get through one day fine, you can get through a lifetime fine.

It takes some willpower, discipline, and effort but after 3 days this feels like a walk in the park.

You also get to brag to all your friends about your "one meal/day" feat and let it become your whole personality for a bit.

Not to mention you get smarter, jacked, and shredded.

I can't find any downside to it.

Other than social aspects (eating out, drinking, meal timing), there's no downside.

And when stuff like that happens it's ok to break the rules.

You want your eating to be flexible, you don't want to chain yourself to eating 1,2, and especially not 3 meals/day.

We can all take a lesson from the Native Americans and eat when we're hungry.

Listen to your body, practice some awareness, and do what feels good for your body.

This is the way my friend.


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  • Gain athletic ability & confidence

  • All in the next 90 days.

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Stay Blessed AND Stay Based.
