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- 15 Steps To Get The Sleeper Build
15 Steps To Get The Sleeper Build
Wtf is the sleeper-build? Let's go deep with it...
15 Steps To Get The Sleeper-Build
I wrote a tweet about all the criteria you need to get the sleeper-build.
Sleeper Build:
~Clean eating
~Deep sleep
~FastLet them keep sleeping.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
9:55 AM • Aug 21, 2023
But I forget the most important part.
What exactly is the sleeper-build?
Sure I have a vague list.
But if you want to understand, you must go deep into a topic.
You must understand it, explain it, and teach it inside and out.
So let's do that.
Back to the topic.
What is the sleeper build.
I've listed a bunch of criteria.
And added more.
And we're gonna got through them all.
Strap up yo boots.
We going innnnn.
1. V-Taper
This is the #1 requirement of the sleeper build.
You NEED to have a v-taper to achieve the sleeper build.
No blocky waits, no hourglass shape (unless you're a woman), I'm talking a Dorito back with a tiny waist.
To get this, grow your back, shoulders, and shrink your waist with ab routines and sprinting.
2. Athleticism
We got aesthetics covered with the V-taper.
Now it's time to cover athletics.
When I say athletics, I mean the ability to jump high, run fast, and move fluid.
To sum it up you can play a sport and become decent to above average in a short amount of time.
And you have the physical capabilities to dominate any sport that you decide to take serious.
Imagine wanting to be a bodybuilder.
Only lift weights.
Can't scratch your back.
Walk around look like a human brain.
Appear big but get knocked out easily.
No benefit beyond some muscle which is worthless.
Join the sleeper-build life.
It's more fun.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
10:55 AM • Aug 1, 2023
3. Deep Sleep
If you have a sleeper build you gotta be able to sleep deep.
It has it in the name brother.
Sleeping deep allows your body to heal, change, and grow into the shape and capabilities that you desire.
Whether it be mental or physical.
Deep sleep is the key to becoming smarter, stronger, AND bigger.
It's the closest thing we have to steroids.
On top of that you can hack your subconscious with deep sleep.
Whatever you think about before bed is what you will dream about.
Do with that information what you please.
4. Old Money
The sleeper build isn't only about looks and performance.
That'd be too basic.
The sleeper build applies to all areas of life.
It means you got that old money vibe.
What does this mean?
It means you got money, but you don't flaunt it.
You not on social media flexing your Bugatti and your Rolex.
It's not this fake, new-age, hustle 24/7, club and flex all day type of vibe.
Rather you got $100 million in the bank.
Can take trips with your family to the Swiss Alps when you want.
And you drive your Rolls Royce to pick up your kids from school.
Bottom-line: It's about having money, and using that money to enjoy your life and have freedom.
5. Flexibility
Flexibility is a must.
And don't let the message go over your peanut sized brain.
You should be flexible (body-wise) as it will aid you as you age and keep you limber and athletic.
But you also need to be flexible to what life throws at you.
Your reality follows the state of your body.
Becoming flexible has made me more flexible in everyday life.
Nothing can phase me anymore.
I roll w/the punches, waves crash around and I stay dry.
Flexibility makes you stronger & more athletic.
Practice before you're a corpse.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
8:57 PM • Jul 25, 2023
Routine is great but you can't let it limit you.
Life will throw curveballs and you need to be flexible enough to adapt to it.
If not you won't make it.
6. Solitude
The sleeper build requires a strong sense of self.
You know who you are, what you want, and what you're about.
To achieve this you have to spend time alone.
At the bare minimum you need to dedicate time to ask yourself the important questions.
Who am I?
What do I want?
How will I get what I want?
The sleeper-build must have a clear direction and destination.
Once that is set up, the journey will unfold like it should.
7. Critical Thinking
You need to think.
It's 2023, so everyone has shows they watch and books they read.
But have you ever wondered who's creating this media?
Who's the one behind the content you consume?
You should, here's why:
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
11:42 AM • Aug 14, 2023
You need to question what you hear.
Don't take everything at face value.
Don't believe everything you hear.
When a piece of information comes at you, take it in and determine if it's valuable or not.
Throw out the useless info and use the valuable stuff.
This is how you progress.
8. Lean
Leanness goes a long with the V-Taper, but you gotta be lean.
You gotta have your abs showing.
A V-taper doesn't guarantee leanness.
Your veins should be showing.
To actually be athletic.
To look like a movie star.
To be aesthetic all the time.This is what the sleeper build is all about.
This is the new wave.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
2:06 PM • Aug 8, 2023
Your muscles should pop.
Because when you are lean life is easier.
Your face shreds fat and you look like a model.
Which helps in how people perceive and treat you and opens you up to opportunities in business and especially in relationships.
You feel more confident since you can see what your body actually looks like.
And then you can focus on what you want to fix.
9. Strength
You must be strong.
Plain and simple.
Physically, you should move a lot of weight, be able to fight, take a hit, and dish a hit.
Mentally you can't let anything move you.
I talked to a wise coach of mine the day I wrote this and asked him what all the great football players (that went to the U) had in common.
He told me they all had UNSHAKEABLE self-belief.
The truth is that the world will doubt you.
They won't see your vision.
And during these times your self-belief must be stronger than all the negativity they throw at you.
As long as you believe you will achieve.
And financially don't be a dumbass.
Save yo cheddar, provide value, and spend it on what matters to you.
10. Quiet confidence
Like I said you always need to have a strong self-belief.
If people doubt you ignore it.
If people hype you up, ignore it.
All that matters is what you think, and what you want, and how you go about getting it.
Always believe in yourself no matter what.
11. Skilled
Develop a skill in something.
Rock-climbing, coding, lifting, football, YouTube, philosophy, it doesn't matter.
Life too simple.
Build great athleticism & phazeek.
Use energy from that to progress in your skills.
Monetize those skills and make some muney.
Use muney to get better at skill and make more muney.
Now you don't need to worry bout muney.
Then get wife and raise G-dly kids.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
2:19 PM • Jul 27, 2023
What matter is finding something you like and getting lost in it.
As long as you like what you're doing, you will get good at it.
Plain and simple.
12. Sense of Style
You are what you wear (someone in my Marketing class said this).
What you wear is what you present to the world.
Make sure every time you step outside you wear something that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
Something that you can wear and "put that shit on".
Because when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good you perform good.
13. Focus
You must stay focused brother.
Focus is the key in this distraction filled world.
Protect your time.
Protect your energy.
Protect your attention.
Keep the main thing the main thing.
Your purpose comes first and everything else is secondary.
Never forget your mission.
14. Energy
The sleeper-build embraces who they are.
Whether people think they're weird or different, it doesn't matter.
Be the best version of yourself everyday and you will get what you deserve.
Whether it's a good or a bad thing.
Stay present and stay in the moment.
Not pouring every ounce of your energy into the present moment is the biggest psyop of this generation.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
11:07 AM • Aug 23, 2023
Be positive towards every situation & towards others.
If you talk to someone give them your full attention.
This is how you make an impact.
This is how you gain energy.
15. Family
Pay respect to your family.
Those who support you.
Those that you've learned from.
End of the day, money and clout is superficial.
But relationships with friend and family.
The time you spent with them.
Is what you will always cherish.
The sleeper build is all about being subtle.
It's about having power, but not abusing it.
Having ambition, but not letting it cloud your judgement.
In whatever you do, stay focused.
Do your best.
And work hard.
These are the Best exercises to develop a Sleeper Build:
~Play a sport
~DB Incline
~Be leanIt gets you respect from everyone you come into contact with.
And women actually think you look good.
*Bodybuilder starts crying*
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
2:06 PM • Jul 27, 2023
As long as you do that, the rest will figure itself out.
End of the day this is my criteria for a sleeper build.
Take what works for you, and what gives you value.
And forget the rest.
I hope this article helped you.
Remember to always believe in yourself.
Because you are all you got.
And all that you need.
If you need help reaching your fitness goals I am taking on clients who want to achieve this sleeper-build I described above.
CLICK the link BELOW for a FREE discovery call:
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Currently in my Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
Do Not Disturb.
— SOULEY (@TheOneSouley)
9:55 AM • Aug 24, 2023
Stay Blessed AND Stay Based.