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The 1 Thing You Need To Achieve Your Goals
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Great Men Have Practiced Semen Retention
Mike Tyson didn't have sex for 5 years on his rise to Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world.
Nikola Tesla & Isaac Newton remained virgins their WHOLE lives and became pioneers in their respective fields.
From boxers & athletes, to rappers & authors, and to famous inventors, many of the great men of history practiced Semen Retention.
Now what is Semen Retention?
Well you may have heard it as No-Fap, No-Nut, abstinence, or some other fourth thing.
But all it is, is refraining from ejaculation or "coming".
What's the point of retaining?
The main point of retaining is to keep your vital life force energy for yourself. Semen has the ability to create a life (babies), so if you keep it for yourself you'll have more life energy that you can pour into other outlets.
You can pour this energy into athletics, your craft, or anything you want. It will have more "life" and vitality to it since it is infused with your high energy.
Why should you go through all this trouble. Why should you resist your natural urges and temptations, and "suffer"?
Because delaying gratification, staying patient, and not giving into lust will set you free.
When you are able to rise above your base need to have sex, take the energy and harness it for yourself, that is where true results come from.
To list some out:
Strength increases
Confidence increases
Don’t need as much sleep
Testosterone levels increase
Easier to focus and remember
Easier to make eye contact and be brave
And you don't have to take my word for it. Try it for a week. Notice you feel. Notice the changes that will happen.
Then go and bust a nut. Notice how you feel afterward the following couple of days. Does it feel good? Or do you feel shame & guilt? Become a natural observer of how you feel and why you feel that way.
But beyond a boost in energy, confidence, and strength you practice the most important habit of successful people.
The ability to delay gratification. If you are able to resist the powerful feeling of lust, you can accomplish anything in life.
Sex and lust have caused war, death, and violence, but it can also create love, life, and joy.
My personal experience
In my life I have gone through several phases where I was on Semen Retention. During the summers of 2020, 2021 & right now as I write this post, I am on Semen Retention.
During these times I have felt at my absolute peak.
As humans our "mission" is to reproduce and have sex. It is a drive that has kept us alive and makes us who we are.
If you haven't had sex in a while, you then want to have sex. It builds up a drive and a primal hunger for it, that you can't replicate in other forms.
And this is what you feel while retaining.
I have so much energy and drive. I can go a day without sleep and then go to the gym at 5 AM and crush a workout. I can chase my goals all day without experiencing burnout. My discipline never lacks. Getting tired doesn't exist in my reality.
During my 2020 campaign, at the age of 18, I went through a complete transformation:
I lost 20 lbs
Made $12,000
Read 2-3 books every 2 weeks
Gained a following of 120k on TikTok
On top of this I was hyper focused. I wasn't distracted by people partying or going out, because I was retaining.
When you go out & party what are you looking for? Pussy.
MOST people go out to find love, generally through sex, and find someone that they would want to hookup with. But, without this distraction in my face all the time I could put all my attention, into my other pursuits.
Moving on, during my 2021 campaign, I went through another transformation:
Sold 2 cars
Bought a new car
Gained 12 lbs of muscle
Completed a 90-hour real estate course
Packed my bags and moved across the country
This one was more focused on my body, but I had other ventures as well. I was beginning to get my life together, and come up with a sense of direction for where I wanted it to go.
Currently during my 2023 campaign since January I have:
Gotten faster
Gotten stronger
Stopped procrastinating
Started a 1-person business
Regaining my purpose and focus
I can't comment too much on how this campaign has gone since I'm only a month in. But I will give an update on my YouTube channel once my campaign is over in mid-April.
Is it dangerous or unhealthy?
There is commentary about how it can lower testosterone after a while, or make your penis shrink, but this is all false.
The truth is we live in a society that endorses excessive sexual acts, and claims masturbation is "good" for you, and that a consistent sex life is healthy. So when you aren't fapping all the time, you are no longer a victim to this over-sexualized culture.
And you should know that those in charge don't want that. They want you to follow the crowd and be easily influenced.
I am not debating that a consistent sex life is bad, but masturbation has adverse affects. There is a reason that you feel shame after doing the act.
The truth about masturbation.
It gives you shame after you finish the act, because it is a sin to self-pleasure.
To have this vital life force energy, and waste it for a quick moment of pleasure, (that doesn't lead to reproduction), is a misuse of this power.
As a man that has semen it is your duty to use it and control it to create the life that you desire.
To waste it is to cheat yourself of the life you could have lived.
Masturbation gives you a false sense of satisfaction. You believe that you are reproducing with a women, when you aren't.
After ejaculation, the hormone prolactin is released, making you feel good and as if you accomplished something. In correct practice you have just came in a woman and started the process of reproduction.
But masturbation tricks your body into experiencing this feeling, when your mind knows you did nothing.
You didn't put in the work to have sex with a female.
You didn't deserve to feel the pleasure of "coming".
But you do when you masturbate, and you become a fraud. Instead of deserving pleasure from a real person you cheat yourself and you must face the consequences.
Now when you lack confidence, can't make eye contact, and feel purposeless & depressed you know why.
It's because you are wasting your body's most precious resource when you could have been using it to build the life you desire.
Accept where you are
If you have to resort to masturbation, and you can't find a partner that wants to "get your rocks off", you don't deserve it.
You haven't put in the work, to get to a level, where people desire you and where you can attract someone.
And that's ok.
Especially as a man, people think it's embarrassing to not have a sex life. Or that you should always have a sexual partner even if she isn't up to your standards.
But think about that for a second.
If you can't attract the woman you want, so you lower your standards, that won't fix the problem.
That will only make it worse for you and your low-quality partner since you aren't fixing the root.
The cure is to improve yourself to a point where you can attract the people you want and that live up to your standards.
Never settle. For anything.
That is the quickest route to living a life of being average, mediocre, and saying "if only I had".
Instead be where your feet are. Live in the moment. Set a goal and put in the work to get there everyday. What's done in the dark will come to light. You have to put the work in.
How do you practice?
So now you can't attract the women you want. You aren't where you want to be in life. And that's where Semen Retention comes in.
The benefits of Semen Retention will give you the discipline & focus you need to get ahead in life.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't do it for a 30 day challenge just to say you did it. There has to be a reason behind retaining and taking on this form of suffering (because it will be hard).
Let's break it down.
1. Set a goal.
The power of semen retention has been used for centuries to achieve great things.
And if you aren't using this power to chase your dreams, what are you doing?
Retaining to retain?
I believe you should do everything with an intention and Semen Retention is no different.
Set a goal. And this goal should move you toward the person you want to be.
Can't attract women cause you are broke? Set a goal to make $10,000/month. Are you skinny and lack confidence. Set a goal to gain 10lbs of muscle in the gym.
No matter what it is, what's important is that you have a goal and a direction in which you are heading. A ship with no destination will sail forever and get lost. So set a goal, and work towards it with your new found power and energy.
2. Set a time-frame for your goal
No goal was ever accomplished without a solid time-frame. Deadlines keeps you on track and make sure you don't use "I have so much time" as an excuse.
I don't recommend going beyond 6 months at the most with a Semen Retention campaign.
For general purposes 3-4 months is all you need and if you are a beginner don't rush yourself. Do 1 month, or even 2 weeks if that's all you can manage.
What's important here is to set a timeframe that will challenge you, but that you can still do with extra effort.
Human beings greatest ability has always been our endurance and sprinting.
By enduring challenging times, through these 1-3 months sprints on Semen Retention, you can supercharge your goals.
3. Be prepared to face temptation
No one said this would be easy. If it was easy then everyone would be doing it.
Be prepared to face nights of extreme lust. Nights where you want to hit up that girl that you know is DTF. Or nights when you feel like it's ok to "choke the chicken" just once.
You want to view these temptations as tests. On the road to success there will be many tests that try to stop you & derail you from your path to greatness.
You must ignore them.
One habit of successful people is the ability to say no. No to distractions, no to bad habits, and no to bad people.
In a challenging time, such as a Semen Retention campaign, you must have the ability to say no to your primal urges. Because you know that what you want & desire is just beyond some self-control.
Don't think you are a bad person if you get tempted. It is natural. You are human after all. But do not give into it.
Habits you can use to beat temptation:
Get off of social media
Develop a workout routine
Remind yourself of your goals
Journal how you are feeling often
Remind yourself of what failure will do
The main thing here is to get off of social media. Avoid it, because you see one ass and now the urge to beat your meat returns.
Some personal things that I do are to immediately bust out 25 push-ups. I will also remind myself of my future wife & kids and how I am letting them down if I can't beat the power of temptation. If I can't beat temptation to hold myself accountable, how can I beat it to keep a family together?
4. Don't become discouraged if you fail
This goes without saying, but you will fail. If you don't then more power to you.
I am not trying to bring you down, but when you are starting out you won't be able to beat the temptation all the time.
And that's ok.
Rome wasn't built in a day. The success you see wasn't built overnight. And you won't beat sexual temptation in a week. What's important is to get up and try again if you fail before accomplishing your goal, or your time limit is up.
Yes it will be disappointing. But that doesn't mean you should get down on yourself and quit.
You must rise again.
Write out the lessons you learned, and how you will improve. And then improve the design.
Trust me when I say if you block out the temptation and focus on your ultimate goal, you will improve.
5. Make sure you celebrate at the end
Make sure you celebrate your accomplishments. Working to work, with no end or reward in sight is punishment.
I'm not saying you go crazy and off the walls. But once you finish a 1-3 month campaign, go a little crazy.
Go to the club, hit on some girls, get drunk, and just have a good time. If you have a girl make sure you treat her right ;). If you have been putting in the work on Semen Retention then you will have earned it.
But remember, the work comes first.
In this life as a man your purpose and mission must come first. You must put in the work to be a man worthy of receiving all the praise & achievements that you desire. Nothing is free.
To wrap this up let's go through the steps again.
1st: You must set a goal. Make it a difficult goal that will take some time to do. And make sure it is relevant to you or moving you towards your ultimate goal for yourself.
2nd: Give yourself a deadline to complete this goal. A time frame of 1-3 months is perfect, and no more than 6 months, (You can always do more than what I recommend, it's your life).
3rd: Take measures to ensure you do not fall victim to a beating your meat session. Turn off social media, workout, focus on your goal and task at hand, and remind yourself of what will happen if you fail. (Trust me when I say the consequences go deeper than you could imagine).
4th: Don't let failure discourage you. If you fail before your month is up, or before your goal is done, get back up and try again. Anyone you see who has done great things also failed a lot. You are no different. Don't get down. See it as an opportunity to improve the next time.
5th: Make sure that you celebrate at the end. Life is meant for you to achieve great things and celebrate them. So once you complete your goal make sure you take a moment to appreciate your hard work and celebrate. It will be worth it.
Now you know the secret. You know why great men have been able to achieve so much in their lifetime.
You understand the power and life that is inside every man, waiting to be exposed to the world. And not just through sex, but through the exploits and conquests that a man takes on. The goals he sets out to achieve.
Use this power to chase your goals with ferocity and aggression.
Many will talk down on you for doing Semen Retention, or try to say that you are a fool.
That's ok.
People talk down on things they don't understand, and things that have been great for humankind.
At the end of the day you are your own person. You are someone capable of making your own decisions. What you choose to do and believe is your choice.
So use the information wisely. Become an experimenter. Try new things even. In the end, the only way that you will know is if you try.